
堆歷 | 教育應關注學生的個性化需求

作者:Lisa 發(fā)布時間:

堆歷 | 教育應關注學生的個性化需求

作者:Lisa 發(fā)布時間:




今天,芬蘭Hermanni小學校長Lisa Paavilainen的連載就要結束了。最后這一篇,Penni & Lady Lion 為大家?guī)?Lisa 對“如何教”的具體建議。





Everyone. In my opinion, education should be student focused and nurture to each and every student’s individual needs. It means challenging each learner to reach their potential. Each student should be allowed to make progress according to their own pace and abilities. We should give especially gifted students challenges that will keep them motivated and at the same time give special support to those who need perhaps simplified instructions and a slower pace. If the pace is slower, the demands should also be modified to make the learning meaningful and inspiring rather than making it an intolerable burden. Students who need an individualized learning plan should be encouraged to look for their strengths just like all other students. The individualized learning plan should evolve around the student’s strengths and not focus so much on the weaknesses. Practice in areas in which the student struggles should be kept at a level that ensures the development of a positive self-esteem. Learning should be fun and exciting for everyone and each student should feel a sense of pride in their own progress. When a student starts to feel like a “l(fā)oser” or a hopeless case, a good-for-nothing, school has failed badly. When a student is underachieving in regards to their potential, school has failed badly. When school is utterly boring to a student, it has failed badly. When a student loses his/her ability to dream and reach for the stars and loses sight into their own future, school has failed badly.



歡迎來信:lei.peng@jmdedu.com 或 chuying.liang@jmdedu.com.   

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